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Hola Sundays! returns to Barcelona with The graphic history of 'La Ruta del Bakalao'
Vuelve Hola Sundays! a Ocean Drive Barcelona
The mass phenomenon that transcended the music, design and hedonism of the 80s and 90s, will have its space for analysis in Barcelona next Sunday, April 3.
Specifically it will be within the Hola Sundays! event, which will hold one of its well-known vinyl markets in the lobby of the Ocean Drive Barcelona and where 'Ruta Gráfica. El diseño del sonido de València' will be unfolded in a talk with its co-author: Antonio J. Albertos.
The event will be presented by Teo Molina, director of Fiesta&Bullshit magazine.As usual in Hola Sundays! there will be no shortage of vinyl. For this occasion, it is expected to have more than 20,000 vinyls for sale and exchange between collectors and music lovers who want music in this format.
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