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Jonny Kaplan & Rami Jaffee in concert
Jonny Kaplan & Rami Jaffee in concert
Lazy Stars leader Kaplan and Foo Fighters keyboardist Jaffee join forces in a series of exclusive concerts.The singer, guitarist and composer Jonny Kaplan leads what we could call a band of bands. The Lazy Stars, the entourage that usually surrounds him, is formed by Rami Jaffee (Foo Fighters, The Wallflowers) on keyboard, bassist Jokin Salaverria, guitarist Kevin Haaland and original Pearl Jam drummer Dave Krusen. With them he has released four albums, the last one in 2013, "Sparkle and Shine", with the Reckless Grace Music label.Kaplan and Jaffee land this fall in Spain to present the songs of Jonny Kaplan and the Lazy Stars in duo format, accompanied in this case by Jokin Echeverría (Rubia) on bass and Loza (Sex Museum and Coronas) on drums. At the Barcelona concert they will have the actor and musician Chris Stills (son of Stephen Stills) opening act.Read more Close